The amount of drug taken determines its effect.A small amount taken speeds you up(acts as a stimulant). A greater amount acts as a slows you down(acts as a sedative) while larger amount poisons and can kill.
Many drugs directly affect the mind. They can distort the user’s perception of what is happening around and can result to odd, irrational, inappropriate and destructive actions
and even block off all sensations.Though drugs provide short-term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and affect ones thought.
Are medicines drugs? Yes!
Medicines are drugs that are intended to speed up,slow down or change something about the way your body is working, to try to make it work better. Even though they act as stimulants or sedatives, too much can kill you. Medicines can be as dangerous as illegal drug if not used as supposed to.
People take drugs because they want to change something in their lives.
Here are some of the reasons young people have given for taking drugs:
To fit in
To escape or relax
To relieve boredom
To seem grown up
To rebel
To experiment
They think drugs are a solution.
But eventually, the drugs become the problem.Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place.
How Do Drugs Work?
Drugs are essentially poisons. The amount taken determines the effect.
A small amount acts as a stimulant (speeds you up). A greater amount acts as a sedative (slows you down). An even larger amount poisons and can kill.
This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.
But many drugs have another liability: they directly affect the mind. They can distort the user’s perception of what is happening around him or her. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate and even destructive.
Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and muddy one’s thinking.
Medicines are drugs that are intended to speed up or slow down or change something about the way your body is working, to try to make it work better. Sometimes they are necessary. But they are still drugs: they act as stimulants or sedatives, and too much can kill you. So if you do not use medicines as they are supposed to be used, they can be as dangerous as illegal drugs.
Effects of Some Drugs
Marijuana is usually rolled up in a cigarette called a joint or a nail. It can also be brewed as a tea or mixed with food, or smoked through a water pipe called a bong.It is often more potent today than it used to be. Growing techniques and selective use of seeds have produced a more powerful drug.
Negative effects of Marijuana
Loss of coordination and distortions in the sense of time, vision and hearing, sleepiness, reddening of the eyes, increased appetite and relaxed muscles,lungs infection and heart damage.
Alcohol depresses your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).lt influences your brain and leads to a loss of coordination, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses and blackouts. Drinking large amount can lead to coma and death
Negative effects of Alcohol
Heavy drinking usually results in a “hangover,” headache, nausea, anxiety, weakness, shakiness and sometimes vomiting
Feeling of warmth, flushed skin, impaired judgment, lack of coordination, slurred speech, memory,loss of understanding, liver damage and heart disease.
cocaine refers to the drug in a powder form (cocaine) and a crystal form (crack). It is made from the coca plant and, next to methamphetamine, creates the greatest psychological dependence of any drug.
Cocaine and crack cocaine can be taken orally, through the nose (snorted) or injected with a syringe
Negative effects of Cocaine
People who use it often don’t eat or sleep properly. They experience increased heart rate, muscle cramps,convulsion,irritability,moody disturbances, restlessness, hallucination and have intense feelings of depression ,anger, anxiety, edginess,craving for more of the drug and even suicide. The drug can make people feel paranoid, hostile even when they aren’t high.Coming down from the drug causes severe depression, which becomes deeper and deeper after each use. This can get so severe that a person will do almost anything to get the drug—even commit murder.
Heroin is highly effective and is usually injected, snorted or smoked. It enters the brain rapidly but makes people think and react slowly, impairing their decision-making ability. It causes difficulty in remembering things.
Negative effects of Heroin
Abusers experience clouded mental functioning, nausea and vomiting. Awareness of pain may be suppressed, slowed down cardiac (heart) functions and breathing sometimes to the point of death, lung complications, liver disease, kidney disease, scarred and/or collapsed veins and bacterial infections of the blood vessels.